Paris and London 2008
Finally finally finally some pix from our July trip. The entire photo set can be found at but here's a nice subset.Here's us at breakfast, must be the very first day. CAN ANYONE SPOT THE "MORNING PERSON"???

On one of the first days we got to have lunch at the Jules Verne restaurant which is pretty high up in the Eiffel Tower!

The boys always have fun at the Tuileries

Here's the most famous picture from Les Eyzies

After a few days in Paris we found ourselves in Carcassonne, which is an amazing walled fortress of a place.

This is the front door of our hotel which was right inside the walled city!

They had beer there!!

And we got to watch a jousting match, though not on ostriches

For Bastille Day there were some amazing fireworks

Here's the patio outside our hotel room

This is a closeup of outside one of the churches, some of these guys are hilarious!

Robert has two heads!

Then we went WAY out into the countryside and stayed in this tiny little town that didn't even have a restaurant in it (maybe a first for France!).

Robert and I trying to start an "old man farm"

Very delicious breakfast at the hotel!

And a rare pic of Sam!

Then it was back to Paris for a bit, where we went to the Luxembourg Gardins for a couple hours to have a picnic lunch and let the boys play with the boats in the fountain

And of course, back to the Tuileries

Then we took a day trip to Chartres to see the amazing cathedral, and eat lunch of course

Then we took the Chunnel over to London for a few very hot days

Fun in the park on a watery fountain!
