Friday, December 29, 2006

Weekend in Paris

A couple of weeks ago I surprised Sam with a long weekend in Paris, pretty much as a Christmas present. So Thursday it was Milwaukee to Newark, then landing in Paris around 8:00AM on Friday morning. We got to the hotel and by some miracle our room was ready, so we ordered room service breakfast, and took a nap until around noon. By 1:00PM we were eating pizza for lunch at Pizza Pino, and had a nice day. We never really tried to get on schedule, so wel slept until around noon each day. Monday morning we left and were back in Milwaukee by around 10:00 at night, and it worked really well!

Here's the view out our window!
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Here are a bunch of pix of me drinking Cognac in the evening
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Sam was tired!!
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Here's out the window again
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Mmmmmmmmm, cognac!!
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And here's breakfast on Monday morning, about to head back to Wisconsin...
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