Foxes in Fox Point
Sam and the boys notices a couple of foxes in the back yard today, and by some miracle Sam's camera was handy....

Dueling BigWheels!!!
We finally got some more snow, so the boys got their BigWheels out and careened wildly all over the place... but mostly at each other!

The Death Star... or, Sphere 'o Fear
Robert received the ultimate Lego creation for Christmas... a literally 3000-plus-piece model of the Star War's second Death Star. It's a model for ages 16 and up... well, Lego, meet 8-year-old Robert!
Here's how it looked after a few hours

A few days later, it's taking shape slowly

Matthew's working on a Star Destroyer with pieces Robert hasn't needed yet

A week later

Here it is nearly done

And finally, by the end of January, the Death Star was completed!!!!

Finally it snowed a bit!!
We finally got a bit of snow, and the boys raced outside: there was no time to lose!!
First, we need to shovel the drive...

Here goes Matthew

And here goes Robert

Sam supervises!

Finally, time for a rest!!

We finally went to Cabo!!
We got to go down for a few nights just us two!! We stayed at Las Ventanas al Paraiso, and just kind of relaxed. We got to see whales a couple of days, you could see them spouting offshore (I always screamed "Thar she blows!!!") and slapping their tails down into the water. It was a beautiful resort, but honestly it got a bit boring...
Here's the view looking out from the room, that's Sam reading outside

And here's Sam as viewed through a cactus!

And here's some bird-like thing

Look, I got a tatoo!!!