We started the big Asia 2007 trip with a 01:00 AM flight out of Chicago, landing fourteen hours later in Seoul.Here's Robert in the Chicago 1st Class Passengers lounge around midnight...

Finally there! This is some sort of temple-y facade in front of our hotel

Here's me getting mobbed by Korean school kids who always acted very excited when they saw us, sometimes all saying "Welcome to South Korea" very slowly in unison and then cracking up...

Here's one of the remaining historic gates of the city

Naturally, it is heavily guarded...

Here's the famous Live Octopus Lunch place

One of these poor guys was Robert's lunch....

These pix don't do the scene justice... the octopus tentacles are literally writhing around on the plate, their suckers attaching to everything they encounter!

Here's one clinging to the end of a chopstick

And here's one stuck on my finger!

Next, we followed our nose to the local seafood market

And yes, it was a long day!!!

Here's some temple outside of the DMZ

Here's us in front of the tour bus we took out to the DMZ

More of the DMZ...

Our tax dollars at work....

Next, it was off to some historic Korean palace, where we got to see the Korean equivalent to the changing of the guards

This was the recycle test: where do you throw your empty bottle???

This is the entire menu at this place we found for lunch...

Lunch here turned out to be one of Sam's favorite meals. Very spicy, very good!!

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